God has been chasing me for a while and has been protecting me LONG before I said yes to him. Finally.....one day HE basically grabbed a hold and never let go...letting me know that enough was enough....it was time to truly give my life to HIM!
Okay.....I supposed it starts when with my childhood....
I grew up in Raleigh, NC with my parents and a younger sister. We were your typical middle class family...not struggling but not buying anything and everything we wanted. Our household was the type that did not show affection much (either physical or emotional). I did not hear the words "I Love You" very often. Instead I often felt like I was a burden. I felt like my mom was always having me do ALL the housework....my little sister never had to do anything! Of course I was a child....not sure how much housework (chores) I really had to do compared to other kids my age. I did not get along much with my mother. I was definitely a Daddy's girl (and still am!).
Fast forward several years........
When I was 17, my Mom made a life changing decision for our family. Mom decided that she was not happy with my Dad (and had apparently been thinking about this for several years). Mom was not happy because she wasn't attracted to men...instead she was attracted to women. So.....Mom left and took my little sister with her. I stayed with my Dad. About 2 months after Mom left....I began my Senior Year of High School!!! As if my Senior Year wasn't going to be hard enough.....now I had to do it without half of my family.
Living with my Dad...I became his EVERYTHING. I cleaned the house....I paid the bills (with his checkbook)....I cooked dinner....I went to the grocery store...I did laundry...I did EVERYTHING! I was now the MOM.....at 17!! Not something any 17 year old wants to have to handle ALONE! (I now know that God was with me the entire time....there is no way I could handle survived that truly ALONE....God was protecting me and helping me through it)
After about 2 months of being EVERYTHING for my Dad......I decided to rebel against everything I was taught growing up. I decided that I was going to skip school.....try alcohol....try drugs....not come home when I was supposed too.....and then....sex. Once I had sex....I didn't stop. Within 2 months of Mom leaving......guess who was pregnant.......yep.....that would be ME!
So....I find out I was pregnant (once again God showed up.....I did not know that back then). Never once did the thought ever occur to have an abortion or give the baby up for adoption. I never once thought "how in the world am i going to do this at 17"......all I knew at that moment.....I was going to have a baby (as a Senior in High School...I was a baby myself).
Well....the first 4 months of my pregnancy was an adventure.....meaning I was still living the life I was living that got me pregnant in the first place (never at home....out with friends all the time....certainly not going to school as I should). Thankfully I had friends that would not allow me to drink, smoke, or do drugs while I was pregnant. (Again.....God was protecting me....I just did not know it was HIM at the time)
While....the adventure stopped.....at the 4 month mark.....something DEVASTATING happened......I thought I was having a miscarriage! Again...only 17 years old....Mom not at home any longer. Well....I called Mom....she was living across the street (literally across the street). I told Mom that I thought I was having a miscarriage.....her response.....
"When then I guess you need to call an ambulance"
Okay....at 17 years old....having a miscarriage....those are NOT the words you want to hear from your MOTHER. I was calling her for HELP!! So, I had to turn to a friend (Thank you God for Alicia Moore). Alicia came and took me to the hospital....where I later found out that I was lucky to come in when I did.....I almost lost the baby!
Almost losing my baby......that was enough to scare me into living a better life and taking care of myself and my baby. (Again, thank you God for saving my baby's life and being there for me through the rough times). The next several months went well. I just hung out with my Dad, Chris, and Alicia. They were my life....and of course my unborn baby.
Well....Baby decided that he had enough growing inside of my belly.....Baby decided that he wanted to enter the world a MONTH early!! I was SOOOOOOO not ready for this! (Obviously God thought that I was).
May 24, 1999 @ 5:02 pm
One of the HAPPIEST and SCARIEST moments of my life

Welcome to the the world Brendon Dre McCauley! We had some major hiccups with Brendon entering the world. He was placed in the NICU under oxygen tanks and hooked up to so many things. You would think that at 18 now.....I would be TERRIFIED! Nope......I was calm....I was just so HAPPY to have my beautiful baby boy.....still not thinking about HOW this was all going to work out (Thank you GOD for giving me the peace that I needed and the strength to get through it....although I did not know it was GOD then).
and THEN it begins......the downhill part of my life......
.........Brendon is probably about a year old. My best friend at the time was in College! I was still living with my Dad. I decided I wanted to live the college life with her. SO.....just about every weekend I would pack up me and Brendon and we would drive to Greenville, NC. We would party at my friends house/dorm/apartment. We would drink just about every weekend. I resorted to have lots of sex, often times with guys I had just met. Not proud....but at times slept with multiple people in one weekend (and a couple times slept with multiple people in the same night). The ONLY reason I made it out of this season of my life with a healthy child and not killed, arrested, and disease free is becuase GOD was watching over me and protecting me the entire time.....I had NO IDEA!
When Brendon was 2....I was about to turn 21.....I moved out of my Dad's house (still no REAL relationship with Mom)....I got an apartment all to myself.....and had to pay for EVERYTHING all by myself as well. I really thought I was grown and could handle it. I had stopped partying quite so much (still occasionally) and decided to be an adult (or at least attempt to). At this point in my life my sister was bouncing between Mom and Dad's house....every 6 months or so she decided to go live with the other one becuase she was unhappy. I stepped up and became the responsible BIG sister....she moved in with me (I was 22 and she was 16 almost 17 and a high school drop out)
So....now I am a 22 year old single mom of a 4 year old and a 17 year old! NOT what I called fun!
Well, financially.......it was ONLY me.....my sister wasn't even working to help pay the bills....instead she was causing more financial troubles for me. At the time I was working a full-time job at a jewelry store. I was making decent money, but no where near enough to provide for my entire household. So.......I got the bright idea.......lets steal from my job and pawn it for more money
.........NOT SO BRIGHT.......HUGE NO NO!!!
So......YEP....I get caught! (Again, GOD is with me the ENTIRE time). I got charged with embezzlement. I ended up having to do 225 hours of community service followed by a little over $2000 in restitution. GOD IS GOOD......after all that......it was expunged off my record! Huge lesson learned! Without GOD.....my survival of that situation would have not been possible.
About this same time I was in a relationship with a guy. This guy was NOT Brendon's father (thats a story for another day). This relationship was pretty serious.....we were talking about moving in together. He was there with me through my criminal issues. Well.....of course we were having SEX.....and what happens when you aren't careful....well you end up pregnant (you think I would have learned the first time). I was not quite so at peace with this pregnancy....very scared....unsure of how this was going to work out (VERY different from my first pregnancy). To this day.....I am still not okay with my decisions in this situation. I did the unthinkable.....I NEVER was okay with my decision....but I did not think I had a choice. I had an abortion......and regret that deicision EVERYDAY! I let my relationship talk me into something that was against everything I believe in.....and the relationship didn't last. He turned into an alcholic that was awful to me and Brendon. I stayed in the relationship for a couple of years (thinking this was the best I would get)
Finally...God gave me an out (now knowing it was GOD)....... I found out that this guy I was living with was cheating on me. For the next year, we still had to live together (and it was HORRIBLE)....
but God got us through.
but God got us through.
In 2005, Brendon and I finally moved out and go our own place again. Several months later.....my Mom moved in with us (ironic I know). We ended up growing closer together over the years and became best friends. She was going through a rough time an leaving a relationship and moved in with me for a couple months until she got back on her feet. After Mom moved out.....I tried dating again with not so much luck. 8 months after I ended the HORRIBLE relationship I had gained about 80lbs....not feeling so good about myself!
SKIPPING.....some boring details.....
From 2005 until 2010, my good friends (Brendon's God parents) tried to get me active in Church (BTW - I did not grow up in a Christian home). I went from time to time....but it never really stuck. God kept showing up and helping us get through life....but I never really know that it was GOD. I never gave my life to him.....never knew what that meant. I knew something was missing....I just didn't know what.
Well Guess What.....GOD finally grabbed a hold of and never let go!
April 2010.....Brendon and I were in Texas...visiting Chris and Alicia Moore. Easter Sunday, April 4th, 2012, my 29th birthday at Wave Church (Chris was the Pastor) in Frisco, TX........God got me.....he grabbed hold tight and gave me the BIGGEST hug I had ever gotten or even knew existed.
Overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit I gave my life to God!
Now today.....I LOVE GOD and can't thank him enough for watching over Brendon and I throughout our lives. We would not be here today if it weren't for God's protection. We are living proof that anything is possible with God...I am still alive and healthy with a beautiful 13 year old boy becuase of HIM....all HIM!
The only explanation for my life is GOD! I know I may have missed several parts of my walk and several ways God showed up big....but I think I got the main ones.
The moral of my story......
I SURRENDERED my life.....God is in CONTROL!
Wow! Randa, I am so proud of you! I know it takes a lot to put it all out there. I can't say I'd have the guts to share my story in its entirety like that. I am sure you've already been able to use your story to relate to others, but I know God has MANY more lives to be touched by you. LOVE YOU!!!