Sunday, January 20, 2013


It is so easy to take for granted everything that God has given to me, gotten me through, protected me from, or guarded my heart from.

Most times we have no idea what God has done until AFTER it is already done. There are times when we are asking WHY and after we look back and say THANK YOU! We do not always know God's plan....but we do ALWAYS have to TRUST him. He really does know what He is doing.

When I gave my life to God and made the decision to follow Him and trust Him with my life, some of those puzzle pieces started to fit together. God began to uncover my eyes and show me just what HE has done for me, what HE has protected me from, where HE brought me from.

Seriously.....look at your past....could you have gotten where you are today if it weren't for GOD? 

So my challenge to you.....really look at your life....take it apart....and thank GOD for what HE has done for you. Without GOD I certainly would not be where I am today or be the person I am today. His plan never fails!

In order to move forward with trusting HIM, we need to be thankful for where we came from. When you are feeling overwhelmed and distant from GOD, look at your past for reminders of how faithful GOD is!

Here are just a few things that God has done for me:
  • allowed me to have a child at 18 and a senior in High School (God was ALL over that situation). Even if I wasn't a believe then, looking back I realize I could not have survived without GOD.
  • gave me the family that I had (even if it was the "perfect" family). My situation allowed me to become the strong independent women that I am. If I had a different family I would not be the same person.
  • I have been through 4 car accidents (only one was my fault), but I survived all of them with no serious injuries
  • I have never had MAJOR surgery (just tonsils and wisdom teeth)
  • I am fairly healthy (just overweight). I have no MAJOR medical conditions. However, I have a HORRIBLE back that kills me almost daily
  • I have ALWAYS had a roof over my head. I lived with my parents, then with one of them once they were divorced. I moved out on my own at 21 with a 3 year old and have been on my own since
  • God has always provided a job were I made JUST enough to pay the bills. I always wonder how we are going to make it each month (paycheck to paycheck is how we roll). But the bills always get paid (even if it is late)
  • I have always had a car to drive and a way to get from point A to point B (even if the doors wouldn't open on one side because they were smashed in, or you had to open the trunk with a screw driver because it was broken into twice.
  • I graduated High School....still trying to figure this one out. I was NOT supposed to graduate....but I did!
  • I have a bachelors degree....again trying to figure out how in the world I made it through those classes working full time and being a single mom
  • God has gotten me through 13 years of being a single mom!! Hello Miracle!!!
  • God has guarded my heart through many BAD relationships (I seem to always want to "fix" people...I know now it isn't my job to "fix" people)
  • God has faithfully gotten me through depression and allowed me to see that there is a good side to the world again
This list is just the beginning.....God has been there every step of the way for my entire life.....and will continue to be there for as long as HIS plan is for me to be on earth. 

The point is....we have to be THANKFUL for what HE has done for us.....and be patient in the now. HE will reveal what we need to know when we need to know it. It is not about is always (and has always been) about HIM.

SO......take a look at your life! 
What has GOD done for you?? 
Have you THANKED Him for it???

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! So thankful that God placed you in my life or me in your life! :) Love you!
